Sunday, March 15, 2009

Post Coach Summit HIGH!

Well we just got back from the annual Beachbody Coach Summit, what a fantastic time! I've been a coach for almost two years so besides all the incredible new information we get to learn about I get a chance to reconnect with so many special people I've met via Facebook, Beachbody Message boards, Twitter, ect. So connecting with everyone is like a family reunion.

I also get a chance to meet new people, folks I'd seen on the message boards or those who have had not met, like Coke Whitworth! Dude, you rock my friend it was great getting a chance to meet up with you.

But the main event of the Summit was the Million Dollar Body Game. Check out the Day two video.

More a bit later, got to run out of the house for a bit! Daddy duty calls!

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Unknown said...

I CANNOT wait to go there next year! It looks like it was such a blast!!

Unknown said...

It's difficult to put into words! It's something you just MUST do!