Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No question is a dumb question...

I had a meeting with a new client today who is just starting P90X and like many he's very excited and enthusiastic about the next 90 days. Understand that I've been through the program many times and gone over what's needed for getting great results with the program. Sometimes when I get to talking about the program I start talking real fast and forget that for almost everyone getting started it's a lot of information to try to digest all at once.

So today in my meeting I realized that the reason why many clients start out strong with a program and then taper off might just be because they really don't know how to ask what may seem like a dumb question. What everyone should know is that there aren't any dumb questions! Getting into a fitness program is hard, it takes dedication, it takes being committed to your goals and sometimes you just have to be willing to ASK for help!

I've found and studies of shown that people are far more likely to succeed at a fitness and weight loss goal when they have a support group or person to lean on when things get difficult, if they need some motivation or just get answers to questions.

So, How Can I Help You Decide.Commit.Succeed?

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John said...

Lol...brad, how many dumb questions did I ask you when I started out. Like, "Is it normal to fart this much on this diet?" That's a good one!

Unknown said...

Yeah...I remember that, but NEVER a dumb one, maybe sounded dumb but you're the example of someone who stuck with it, asked plenty of questions and got the results!