Friday, October 3, 2008

Nutritional BS...

Received an email today from someone looking to "inform" me about the new wave of nutritional vitamin supplementation. It's DNA Supplements designed specifically to support your individual DNA make up.

Wow, is there ever a lot of magic pills, drinks, and gels out there on the market designed to do everything from Electrifying your body...whatever that is, to removing the fat from your colon walls like scraping Spackle. HUH? Maybe I'm just uninformed and not willing to "believe" but every time I hear this kind of pitch my first reaction is that the only supplementation this thing is doing is supplementing the seller's wallet.

I have a similar opinion about programs like Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem. Both very successful programs for many people as the commercials will show. My biggest problem with these are that they are one legged. "You just Eat & Eat", goes the line. Okay, but how "fit" are you? What do you learn by eating pre-packaged meals? What do you do when you go to a restaurant? Do you bring your meal with you and ask the waiter if he wouldn't mind popping this in their microwave?

Without really understanding what good nutrition is, how do you sustain any weight loss you have? You stop buying Nutrisystem and or going to Weight Watchers, then what? Most likely you're going to go right back to where you started and quite possibly you'll end up heavier then before you started.

I can also say with personal knowledge that the other end of the spectrum doesn't work either. If you workout, all the time, hit the gym, run, walk, cycle or swim but don't follow a good nutritional philosophy, you're not going to have the kinds of results you'd expect for all the hard work you're putting in.

A fitness program without a nutritional program doesn't work. A diet program without a fitness program doesn't work either. However what has been proven to work over and over again is a fitness program tied with a nutritional program along with a support group to help you through the rough times works every time it's tried.

The simple fact is your health and fitness will be far better off by implementing; portion control, a fitness regiment, & peer support.

I hear this all the time when I talk with people who want to get into shape is, "I don't know where to start." People will start walking, running, join a gym or go on a diet, and then try it all on their own. Like any journey, without a plan you're planning to fail.

This is why I love the Beacbbody product line. Each and every one of them has a defined plan for success. No gidgets and gadgets, just good old fashioned hard work and sound nutrition.

It's Simple, Just Not Easy!

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