Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Extreme Workout

Yesterday I did a crazy workout; Upper Body Plus, Interval X Plus and Abs/Core Plus. Why? Good question. I do this from time to time to challenge myself to see how far I can push myself and to see how my body reacts and recovers.

I also do this to kick myself into gear if I'm feeling like my workouts have become stale or complacent or just not intense enough. I've found that after a few months of doing a rotation of P90X or P90X+ that I get "comfortable" with my workouts, nutrition & results.

I don't recommend anyone do this type of workout often, but a "shock" to the system can be a good thing. So may people have no idea how far they can push themselves. Many people do P90X and find that they've pushed themselves farther then they ever thought possible, but what do after you've completed round 1 or 2 or ?

Never be 100% satisfied with where you are for too long, that's when bad habits can creep back in. Finding your breaking point helps establish a baseline so when you're crushing Chest and Back and get to 50 Standard Push know in the back of your mind that you CAN get 5 more!

Look at these types of workouts as Opportunity for Success!

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