Friday, April 16, 2010

Primal Blueprint update

Here's an update on my progress with the Primal Blueprint.

I've been on the Primal Blueprint diet for a little over 2 weeks and I'm down from 182 to 177. I didn't measure my BF but I'm definatly leaner, prolly around 8-9%.

I was able to manage the new program while on a 10 day spring break vacation, i just happen to get 8 awesome workouts in and still had a great time.

We, Suzette and I, always get great workouts in, you have ao much more available time so there is no rush and we just bring it! When you've done P90X for 10 rounds you tend to be a bit of a show-off at a resort hotel gym. ;). What can I say...

If you think you can't do the Primal with a busy schedule, that's really just an excuse, much like the excuses NOT to workout instead of making reasons TO.

"Easy to do, but also easy not to do".

I choose "DO"!

More updates to come!

"It's Simple, Just Not Easy"!

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